Monday, June 28, 2010

Monday p.m.

Hope the weather isn't too bad. Forecast doesn't sound great.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Saturday Speed Work

Hi everyone - hope you've had a great week.
This Saturday morning I'll be leading a speed-work session at Hope High School. We'll start promptly at 8am, and wrap up a few minutes after 9am.
The plan will be:
Body looseners
10m warm-up
Repeating the following set three times
(400m (one lap) hard effort
200m recovery
400m (one lap) hard effort
200m recovery
800m (two laps) hard effort
400m recovery)
10m cool-down
Hope you can make it!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Amphipod water bottle

For hot weather, the Amphipod 12 0z handheld water bottle is great. It's low profile and comfortable to hold. I got one from runningzombie...shipped quickly.

Friday, June 18, 2010

trial 5k

Good morning! Hope you've had a great week.

This Monday we meet at 630 at Hope HS. We'll be doing a short warm up and the body looseners, and then a trial 5k. I will be creating a route which will begin and end at the Hope track. The goal is for everyone to experience the distance, and to realize that it's entirely possible to go the entire way.

Please pay attention to the weather, dress for it and hydrate through the afternoon. I suggest not eating anything (or at least very light) for the two hours before. I'll have water and some snacks for after the run.

See you all very soon! (We're in DC right now on our way to an apartment decision!)


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Peeling & Shoulder swing.

Hi, I don't know why I keep forgetting this but when I focus on lifting my relaxed ankle after a midfoot tstrike I get the 'peel' better. I can feel it when it is being gentley snapped. It is so gentle that snapped isn't the right word but the closest I can come and the word we have used in class. I don't have any sensation when I don't "get it". When I go into a run with the focus on "peeling" I end up pushing off with my toes...when I go in with the ankle focus I think I am more closely aligned with the chi positioning. Just one of my observations. Now if I can get these shoulders to stay put...I think it must be getting somewhat better because my pony tail isn't swinging as much as it used to. I finally think I get the weights on the elbows (shoulders relaxed down and weight on elbows and relaxed forearms) and that helps some. I do feel like I am holding my torso unnaturally stiff though. Just throwing it out there for others to comment and maybe add some insight.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Schedule Changes

Good morning everyone! Hope you've had a great week. Hannah, Cass, Rebecca, Kathy and I had a great time on Monday afternoon at Colt, if it was a bit crowded with other folks.
I'm going to make a couple of changes to the schedule, as my plans for the spring changed just a bit...have to get to DC to find a place to live! Below is the new schedule
  • Saturday, 6/5, 6-730pm, Goddard State Park - running on some nice, open and easy trails; there's also a beach - bring a swimsuit!
  • Monday, 6/7, 630-730pm, Hope HS - CANCELLED
  • Sunday, 6/13, 12-130pm, Group Run on Blackstone Blvd, from Lippitt Park
  • Monday, 6/21, 630-730pm, Hope HS (moved from Colt)
  • Saturday, 6/26, 8-9am, Hope HS
  • Monday, 6/28, 6-7pm, Hope HS
  • Wednesday, 6/30, 6-8pm, Colt State Park (the race!!!)
If you have any questions about the schedule, please ask! I hope this will work for everyone.
Be well,

Thursday, June 3, 2010

7th for the 14th???

Michael - any chance of switching the mondays? skip the 7th and replace with the 14th? we're meeting day after tomorrow at Goddard on saturday. space it out a bit, if your schedule has changed? thanks for considering it. - rebecca